Tea Party Protests IRS Tomorrow, Tuesday 5/21, Noon Your Local Time « Tammy Bruce

It doesn’t surprise any Tea Partier that we’re in this position. Tea Party started because of government overreach and abuse of citizens. And golly gee, look at what’s happening. This is an excellent reminder to everyone that Obama is targeting regular Americans for daring to become involved and especially for having the gall to say “No!” to a regime whole actions reflect the classic definition of tyranny. Participate tomorrow at any local Tea Party protest. Let’s make sure everyone remembers why Tea Party was necessary in the first place.
Tea Party Patriots Info Page (may take some time to load, they’re busy

Tea Party Patriots plan nationwide protests at IRS buildings
The organizers of the Tea Party Patriots have called for a nationwide protest Tuesday against the Internal Revenue Service to challenge the government agency’s abuse of power while targeting Tea Party groups.
The planned protests will take place at IRS offices around the country at noon. The Tea Party Patriots website highlights more than 100 IRS offices where protests are planned.
Although many Tea Party groups exist, the Tea Party Patriots is one of the most influential coalitions, with more than 3,000 organized chapters.
The organization is sending out protest information, talking points, sample press releases and sample sign messages, as grassroots organizers demand a Congressional investigation of the IRS.
Tea Party Patriots is also asking group organizers to report IRS abuses, by filling out a “Did the IRS target you?” form.
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