Tuesday, March 12, 2013

UPDATE:Gun Grabbing Dem Ignores Tough Question From Female Gun Owner At Town Hall

Nicki over at the Liberty blog was on scene and got a hold of the microphone. Hilarity ensues!!!
Word of caution, Nicki speaks her mind and does not pull punches. Consider yourself warned.

Gun Grabbing Dem Ignores Tough Question From Female Gun Owner At Town Hall

Virginia deserves better than this douchebag POS.

Our favorite moron Moran, decides he's going to ignore Ms Bigelow and her question and moves on to the next "gentleman".

Typical Maroon tactic.

NOVA, when are you folks gonna come to your senses and vote this asshat out of office? He is anti-Israel, anti-women, pro-tax, pro-obama, pro-muslim, pro-assclown. He's guilty of domestic violence against his wife; his son was arrested for violent behavior,, along with perpetrating voter fraud in the last election. They are criminals and y'all keep sending him back to Congress to screw things up for the rest of us. Although, with that record, he would fit right in with the muslim brothers in the hood. muslims don't care about women either.

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