Sunday, June 03, 2012

The Profoundly Dishonest Brett Kimberlin : The Other McCain

The Profoundly Dishonest Brett Kimberlin : The Other McCain

Our very good friend Robert S McCain is in hiding because Kimberlin's twisted. perverted mindset causes him to believe he is incredibly talented and everyone wants to know what he thinks. (Personally, I think he misses Bubba Butt Buddy from prison. I'm sure he got plenty of attention inside.)

When we point out the stupidty inherent in those beliefs, Kimberlin resorts to fake 911 calls which send SWAT Teams to conservative homes, usually during dinner time. He'll continue this behavior until someone stops him, or until the police catch him and give him what he really wants; a warm cell and continuous attention from Bubba once again.


Blogger Robert Fowler said...

The best thing would be a bullet.

June 03, 2012 11:06 AM  

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