Tuesday, April 03, 2012

Obama's War on Wealthy is War on Us All - Godfather Politics

Obama's War on Wealthy is War on Us All - Godfather Politics
Locking up capital in the government is as good as tossing it onto a fire. Governments do pay salaries, it’s true, but bureaucracies have a way of making money disappear by putting it into useless projects. 
The laws of economics dictate that money will still circulate when funneled through the federal government, but it will circulate more slowly, less widely, and doing so takes capital out of the hands of the innovators and job creators and puts it under the control of the job killers and business stiflers.
In short, it puts it in the hands of the wrong people instead of we the people.

The issue is one of control. Money is power over others, and power always has a price beyond mere money. For someone to gain power, someone else has to suffer.

The Democratic Party has an insatiable taste for power, over your money, over your education, over your health, over your life.

Obama may want to tax the rich, but one way or another, we’ll pay the price.


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