NEVER AGAIN - Holocaust Remembrance Day

They specifically targeted and persecuted and killed Jews, out of all others.
They had help.
Lithuania began persecution of the Jews in their country BEFORE the Nazis invaded, eventually killing over 95% of their Jewish population.
The French helped deport theirs. "They're only Jews." Let the Germans handle them.
Other European countries assisted with the murder.

But the Nazis began it. And spread it. And industrialized it.
Only Denmark had the courage to deny the Nazis their prey.
And now Jews are under attack across the globe again. Anti-Semitic attacks are increasing across Europe. The "Nazis" of the 21st century want to wipe Israel off the map. HAMAS, HEZBOLLAH, Fatah, and Iran seek to kill every Jew in Israel and beyond. NEVER AGAIN.
In Richmond, Virginia, one man's inspiration brought to life, tries to change people through education. The Virginia Holocaust Museum brings the Holocaust into stark focus.
Mr. Jay Ipson tells the story of his childhood in the Kovno Ghetto and his family's escape from the massacre. The museum shows horror of the camps and the ghettos. And the museum shows the bravery and the perseverance of the human spirit of the persecuted.

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