Thursday, April 26, 2012

AUDIO: Lawsuit Filed Against Virginia's Execution Methods | Local News

AUDIO: Lawsuit Filed Against Virginia's Execution Methods | Local News

What is the downside of the execution team not being certified anesthesiologists? Well, says the asshat lawyer, someone could die if they made a mistake.

Uh Huh..Someone WILL die if they DON'T make a mistake.

Damn I wish I was a judge and hearing this lawsuit. These assclown lawyers apparently are not very busy, so they have to dream up stupid crap to tie up the courts.

Any judge who entertains this suit for more than 30 seconds should be impeached. The lawyers who are handling this need to be reprimanded severely for wasting the court's time and the EPA should arrest them for wanton destruction of forestry products and depraved indifference to trees.


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