Thursday, March 29, 2012

True The Vote-Something You Should Know About

What is True the Vote?

True the Vote is an initiative developed by citizens for citizens, meant to inspire and equip volunteers for involvement at every stage of our electoral process. We promote ideas that actively protect the rights of legitimate voters, regardless of their political party affiliation.

We are working to restore integrity to the American system of electing its leaders. With True the Vote, we have, "deconstructed the entire process, focusing on educating voters, examining the registry, recruiting, training and mobilizing election workers and poll watchers, training how to collect data all along the way, then use the data to shape government action and legislative agendas to support desperately needed election code reform."

Our government was built upon the belief that election results represent the true will of the people and our election processes were always intended to be supported by citizen volunteers. We are helping stop corruption where it can start – at the polls.

Our initiatives include:
Mobilizing and training volunteers who are willing to work as election monitors
Aggressively pursuing fraud reports to ensure prosecution when appropriate
Providing a support system for our volunteers that includes live and online training, quick reference guides, a call bank to phone in problem reports, information on videotaping at polling places, and security as necessary
Creating documentaries and instructional videos for use in recruiting and training
Raising awareness of the problem through strategic outreach efforts including advertising, social networking, media relations, and relational marketing
Voter registration programs and efforts to validate existing registration lists, including the use of pattern recognition software to detect problem areas

Who is True The Vote?

Based in Houston, Texas and headed by Catherine Engelbrecht (President), True The Vote is staffed by volunteers all across the country. Essentially, True The Vote is you and me. Every day Americans interested in the integrity of the elections in the home district.

Editor's Comment:
What True the Vote is NOT, is a para-military racist organization intent on intimidating voters or promoting or threatening violence at the ballot box such as was seen in Philadelphia with the New (but same as the old) Black Panther Party.

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