*UPDATED* #OccupyWallStreet: The Rap Sheet, So Far
*UPDATED* #OccupyWallStreet: The Rap Sheet, So Far
***Updated 11/4/2011– Today we hit incident 142.
One of the secret weapons the corrupt mainstream media uses in their never-ending quest to Palace Guard for the left is context. For example, when it came to the Tea Party, the MSM was notorious for amplifying a single incident (that was usually a lie) and using it to attempt to smear and define an entire movement. This is what you do when you want to quickly take out a political enemy.
The MSM’s contextual game changes, however, when their desire is to strengthen a movement and give it credibility and room to grow. By dutifully reporting individual incidents but not reporting on the growing scope and size of Occupy Wall Street lawlessness, the MSM is willfully covering up the violence, vandalism, and anti-Semitism that truly does define this movement.
Labels: asshats everywhere, domestic terrorists, occupation, violent moonbats, wall street
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