Saturday, November 12, 2011

Columbia Journalism Review Slams Politico's Frenzied, Single-Minded Focus On Herman Cain

Columbia Journalism Review Slams Politico's Frenzied, Single-Minded Focus On Herman Cain

Now that we’re learning something about Cain’s accusers and how the National Restaurant Association settlements agreements were handled, Politico’s unwillingness to give us specific details in that mega-story of theirs is starting to make some sense, at least to me.

What we’re now discovering is that the facts are much less troubling than what was ginned up in our collective imaginations that were fueled only by Politico’s maddeningly vague allegations and innuendo. So now you have to wonder if the 144 story (and counting) feeding frenzy Politico ’s journOlisted up over the last ten days wasn’t all smoke and mirrors designed to cover up the fact that their original story was nowhere near worthy of the Normandy-like roll out they organized and commanded.

The there just isn’t there.
Who the hell belives Politico about anything? Oh yeah, the Left.
H/T Big Journalism


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