Your American Service Union At Its Finest
Let's get one thing straight from the outset, I have no (zero, zip, nada) issues with trade unions. They keep our workforce properly staffed with well-trained men and women who genuinely care about doing good work. I have no issues with the UMW, because if there ever was a class of worker who needed protection, its the mineworker.
What I do have an issue with is an asshole who stands up in front of a crowd of pencil-pushing, envelope licking, paper-folding, inbox stuffing parasites and incites them to violence against American citizens.
This is not free-speech.
What I do have an issue with is an asshole who stands up in front of a crowd of pencil-pushing, envelope licking, paper-folding, inbox stuffing parasites and incites them to violence against American citizens.
This is not free-speech.
We Are Heroes, Who Need to Create a Crisis: SEIU’s Stephen Lerner at Progressive Summit Tells Unions, Community Organizers and Students They Need to Escalate Protests, Break Laws, Occupy Abandoned Houses and Spread the Crisis All Over U.S
Labels: dhimmi unions, glenn beck, screw SEIU, The Blaze, union thugs, youtube
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