Sunday, July 17, 2011

Regarding Cuban Pigs (Bay of and Very Tasty)

We are back from Brooke Army Medical Center in San Antonio and all I can say is: WOW!!!!

Everything that transpired this past weekend was made possible by a grant from the Bob Woodruff Foundation and the sacrifices of some very fine Americans. I cannot thank these people enough for the opportunity they created with their generous assistance.

There are so many people to thank, I don't really know who to start with.

I could list them in order of ridiculous distances traveled by a Cuban blogger to cook Cuban style pig for Wounded Warriors. If I wanted to maintain the level of debauchery my friends have come to expect, I'd list them in order of the cutest and funniest members of a Cuban-American family or I could start with the drop dead gorgeous red-headed chef section.

Lets go with distance traveled:
Bablu is no stranger to the blogging community or the Cuban DGI for that matter. He can also cook a pig and beans like nobody's business. We had this instantaneous bonding moment when he realized we had both the same color Bic lighter and a more than passing acquaintance with construction techniques and inspection procedures. Oh, and the dude is a Cuban Uncle Jimbo. (Think about THAT for a minute) All I can say is: this American is honored to be a friend of this man.

Babalu, Thank You Brother. Sorry I made you cry when I handed you that Challenge Coin. You made me cry when you thanked me for letting you come up and cook. (Uh huh I LET him)

Red Hot Dish and Heather from Home-Ec101 bring up the drop-dead gorgeous red-headed chef side. These two Ladies have to be experienced to be appreciated and believed. Ellen is a Chef of the first order and a retired Air Force Major to boot. She did TWO events this weekend, supper Friday night and a cooking class at Fisher House on Saturday. (I have a side story to the Fisher House event, involving a Dodge RAM, 4 Marines, two laptops and karma).

Back to the redheaded red-hot dishes. Heather runs a really cool website. Just go check it out. This was my first time working with Heather and all I can say is I would have paid double to be there. Thank you, young Lady. Your presence and contribution to this event was most appreciated and your attitude and personality are infectious.

I had the honor of having Ellen from Redhot Dish (and her husband) working at our last Walter Reed event and it was no different this time, except it was hot as hell and her husband had to work and couldn't go. Our loss but no damage. Ellen did her usual excellent work. Damn that girl can cook.

There are a few more people to thank, mention and poke a little...("LUUUUUUUCYYYYY Joo got some splainin to do!!!!!") but I need sleep and Monday is a terrible way to start the week.

I'll continue this tomorrow and you'll meet two Cuban-American families who gave up a big slice of their weekend to help us feed some Wounded Warriors. AWESOME!!!!!!!




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