Health Care Bill vs Health Care Law
Understanding of Health Care Law same as when it was a Health Care Bill --
USA Today reports what everybody already knew about the year-old health care law: not a damn thing. “Although opinions are plentiful about the requirement that most Americans buy health insurance and about the costs of expanding Medicaid — both provisions that take effect in 2014 — apparently few people know about provisions that are already in place, unless those provisions have directly affected them. And that seems to play a big role in public opinion.” Thank goodness for The Daily Caller’s Jonathan Strong and Matthew Boyle. Get a breakdown of the provisions already in place from Boyle. For a long-term prognosis, read Strong’s wrap-up of the Shermanesque march toward the impending legal battles. The piece includes the most frightening phrase in the English language: “Armies of lawyers.”
Labels: daily caller, government healthcare, healthcare costs, healthcare rationing, nationalized healthcare
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