The Money Man Behind the Far-Left Media
Leftwing Sugar Daddy
Modern day Cecil Rhodes
"We must control or own portions of the press, for the press controls the minds of the people."

Modern day Cecil Rhodes
"We must control or own portions of the press, for the press controls the minds of the people."

George Soros is a New York hedge-fund manager who has amassed a personal fortune estimated at about $13 billion. Since 1979, Soros’ foundation network — whose flagship is the Open Society Institute — has dispensed billions of dollars to many hundreds of organizations whose objectives are politically far-left. A devoted supporter of President Obama, Soros was also the prime mover behind the creation of the so-called “Shadow Party” — a nationwide network of leftist labor unions, activist groups, and think tanks engaged in campaigning for the Democrats. Understand the Soros agenda, and you will understand where the Left seeks to take the United States.
Labels: cecil rhodes, currency, David Horowitz, discover the networks, DTN, extreme left, fabian society, George Soros, hedge fund, shadow party, unions
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