Well done. VERY well done, indeed
Operation Iraqi Freedom

A line of Strykers convoy in the early hours of Aug. 16, as part of the 4th Stryker Brigade Combat Team, 2nd Infantry Division, United States Division-CenterÂ’s last patrol through Iraq as they leave theater. The 4th SBCT is the last combat brigade to leave theater. Photo by Sgt. Kimberly Johnson Photo from StrategyPage.com
Apparently, we've won. The last* combat brigade has entered Kuwait.
The 4th Stryker Brigade, 2nd Infantry Division, which left Iraq this week, was the final U.S. combat brigade to be pulled out of the country, fulfilling the Obama administration's pledge to end the U.S. combat mission by the end of August. About 50,000 U.S. troops will remain in Iraq, mainly as a training force.
"Operation Iraqi Freedom ends on your watch!" exclaimed Col. John Norris, the head of the brigade.
"Hooah!" the soldiers roared, using an Army battle cry
"They're leaving as heroes," Norris said of his soldiers. "I want them to walk home with pride in their hearts."
Well done. Heroes all.
Welcome home.
*(Well, except for those 6 brigades and 4500 spec ops troops still there that are staying to support the Iraqis. Apparently those aren't considered to be combat troops. Ok, then.)
Labels: Operation Iraqi Freedom, Strategypage
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