Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Thank Mike Castle For Standing Up To the Chicago Mob

Email from OFA, OAF, MoveOn, HCAN, et al
(Slightly altered to reflect the true intentions of the 0Bamalama, George Soros agenda)

In 2008, voters in Delaware voted to send President Obama to Washington to fight for change -- including for desperately needed health insurance reform. They expected Republican Representative Mike Castle to reach across the aisle to be a partner for change.

Unfortunately, last fall Rep. Castle opposed reform and voted to let insurance companies continue to operate as publicly traded, shareholder/citizen owned, profit generating corporations and take care of sick people. But it's not too late for him to change his mind and put average Americans and the middle class in the poorhouse and dramatically change the political landscape of America forever.

We should call Representative Castle's office and tell him Thank You for not allowing this takeover of America to continue.

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