Thursday, November 12, 2009

VA Campaign for Liberty

United Conservatives of Virginia stands firmly in favor of any event which promotes state sovereignty and re-affirms the 10th Amendment as the Law of the Land. We have not read the specific legislation as of the date of this post and cannot comment on the merits or the language.

We do support HR 61.

Virginia Campaign for Liberty will host a lobby day and rally on two 10th Amendment bills on January 18, 2010 at the Capitol.

The event is scheduled for all day.

With all the federal power grabs coming down from Washington, the citizens of Virginia are calling for 10th amendment solutions in defense of our individual liberty and state's rights. There are some legislators who are working to push for a State Sovereignty Resolution and introduced HR61 at the end of the 2009 session that never made it out of committee.

While their effort is to be commended, we at Virginia Campaign for Liberty believe that a Declaration of Sovereignty Resolution poses certain dangers in that it allows bad legislators to clean their skirts with a piece of legislation that does nothing to make the 10th amendment more binding. It is our mission to put the 10th amendment, the law of the land, into practice. That's just what our two bills will do.

The first one is modeled after the Montana gun bill called the Virginia Firearms Freedom Act (VFFA). This bill serves as a 10th amendment challenge to the powers of Congress under the commerce clause that prohibits the federal regulation of firearms, firearm accessories, and ammunition manufactured and retained in Virginia. Delegate Charles Carrico has agreed to carry the bill in the 2010 session of the General Assembly.

You can view the full text of the bill here.

The second is the Virginia Healthcare Freedom Act (VHFA). This bill is a 10th amendment challenge to the powers of the federal government to mandate federally approved healthcare by every citizen under the threat of steep fines and jail time. Delegate Bob Marshall has agreed to carry this important legislation in the 2010 session.

You can view the full text of the bill here.

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