National Museum of Americans in Wartime

The National Museum of Americans in Wartime.
Milbloggers and children of all ages were made welcome at the current home of the museum. Introduced at Milblog Conference 2009, Craig Stewart presented a short brief about the project and invited attendees to visit.
While the mission of the museum is more serious, the trip was a model on how a modern, interactive museum will attract young people. By being TOTALLY COOL!!!!!!!

The first thing one notices upon arrival is the presence of huge, armored vehicles, parked on the property. Then one notices that there are hundreds more inside the "garage." And we're told that this is just one of many.....(Speaking as a former Navy cargohandler, these guys can give lessons on packing huge vehicles into tight spac

Future Milblogger zeroing his home defense weapon. Pesky hippies....
(Actually this pic screams for a caption contest...put it in the comments.)

Now here is the TOTALLY COOL part. They were crazy enough to let a few milbloggers DRIVE!

"Yes, I am this cool. It's a gift."

ConcreteBob in his natural environment.

Note the very cool, military spec, anti-glare/anti-dust,

Here is the face of a man who has decided to acquire, not one, but two, of these vehicles......two, so we can race. Why else? Besides, think how much beer one of these things can hold. Perfect for tailgate parties.

Or if you want a convertible?
Or if tracks are too much for you....
This one is armed, so you have that going for you:

Their Landscapes of War will educate and enlighten visitors about the conditions of the battlefront, and the culture formed therein. The Museum will focus on the veterans from all services from WWI to the present, including those that went into harm's way wearing civilian garb, telling the stories and sharing the experiences of all those that answered the call to protect America.
Their motto: Honor, Educate, Inspire
Let us work together to fulfill that motto.
Opening day: scheduled on Veterans Day, November 11, 2012.
Labels: milblog conference 2009, National Museum of Americans in Wartime
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