Friday, April 17, 2009

Chester WST "Rocks the House"

Chester Patriots continue to work in their community after Richmond Tea Party Success

(Chester, VA) - An active group of citizens in the village of Chester, VA has taken the next step after the Richmond Tea Party which was held on April 15th in downtown Richmond, VA. A group has gathered in Chester, VA and has posted a Petition for Redress of Grievances with federal officials in their local newspaper, the Village News.

“We wanted to start in our community and provide our thoughts to our elected representatives in a way that our founding fathers would appreciate.” said Ralph Carter, a concerned Chester citizen. “The Village News is our local paper here and it is important for us to voice the actions we would like to see happen. Now is the time for action.”

Printed in the Village News on April 15th, Federal Tax Day, the Chester Patriots formally outlined their complaints as they have reached the point of action and engagement within and around their community. The group is requesting for the following four actions:
1. To cease and desist mandates that are beyond the scope of the constitutionally delegated powers;
2. To formally and publicly recognize the natural and Constitutional rights of the American People in a manner appropriate to each branch of government;
3. To answer, point by point their question printed in the Village News;
4. For our elected leaders to honor their oaths to support the Constitution or resign immediately from their positions.

The Chester Patriots, a group of like-minded individuals, plan to host ongoing outreach and education about issues related to all levels of government bounded by the U.S. Constitution, our founding father's principles and how these relate to their community in today's society.
More information can be found at , email

Chester is a close knit community located approximately halfway between Richmond, VA and Petersburg, VA along I-95. The Chester Patriots formed on March 13th, 2009 in response to the 9-12 Project. This is a non-political movement. The 9-12 Project is designed to bring us all back to the place we were on September 12, 2001. The day after America was attacked we were not obsessed with Red States, Blue States or political parties. We were united as Americans, standing together to protect the greatest nation ever created.
More information at

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