Friday, December 19, 2008

Why can't we get good small cars in the USA?

Ford has just announced that it DOES NOT want Congress to bail it out. Apparently Ford has realized that the strings that come with that money are actually hangman's nooses. Ford realized that the only business blowing through cash faster than they are is Congress.....

In its collective infinite wisdom, Congress demands that the Big Three sell small, high mpg vehicles. BUT, they can't sell the same cars that sell like hot cakes overseas. You know, over in small car land, Europe. Or more specifically, England.

The Ford Fiesta gets 65 mpg. Its sporty. It carries five adults. Its diesel.

And that last is why it can't be sold here. The USA is addicted to the diesel tax aimed at big trucks. The cars are built in Great Britain. Ford realizes that they would not be able to sell enough cars here to make it feasible to either import the car or build a local factory.

Just think how many cars Ford could sell if they had marketing like this:

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