The New Bob Hope

Deployed in 2003, I had the chance to see Gary Sinise on a USO tour. All he did was walk on stage, without his band, but he got a rock star's welcome. Hardened combat vets were screaming like groupies: "Lt. Dan! Lt. Dan!" You could see the tears in his eyes at the welcome.
Here's the story about the "new Bob Hope."
Michael Yon, a Special Forces vet and the pre-eminent war journalist of our time, communicated his admiration in a dispatch from Bahrain: "Gary is a true friend of the American soldier. He does not hesitate to travel into war zones to express his admiration and personal support for those who defend us. He visits wounded soldiers, some of whom I personally know. All love him.
"Soldiers from privates to generals admire Gary for his dedication to a cause greater than any of us. Gary's dedication went much further. He personally supported sending millions of dollars worth of school and clothing supplies to Iraqi children. I saw this effort with my own eyes. Gary Sinise is a Great American."
Labels: Bob Hope, Gary Sinise, USO Lt. Dan Band.
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