Friday, November 07, 2008

The Left is SO Blind

Reading the Times-Dispatch on Thursday, I found an article, quite well written, on the coming Obama appointments. Quotes abounded, coming from a variety of sources. However, two struck me as particularly illustrative of today's electorate.

Coming from a 24 year old man (sad, in itself) was this whine, "He's going to give the youth hope and a voice, something to look forward to. A future to look forward to."
WTF! Apparently this man sees that America's youth had no hope for a future. They need a President to lead them to this. This sad man is a perfect example of todays voters.

And then, there's this:

Simon Rosenberg (founder of the New Democrat Network) had this gem: Mr. Obama "doesn't really come from any faction or ideological wing of politics," he will not be beholden to any one group when he makes his initial choices.


Oh, he's serious.
This is why they think conservatives are extremists; that Bush, a liberal Republican, is a right-winger. To people like this, marxist and progressive views are mainstream and normal.
They actually think that taking the possession of one and giving it to another, by force, in the name of fairness, is a good thing.

To them, its not ideological. Its normal. They are blind.

And the GOP had better learn this.




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