Tuesday, October 21, 2008

The Fort Dix Dance

Your parents and my parents were right. You are known by the company you keep.

While Barack Obama showed poor judgment by following the Black Liberation Theology taught by Reverend Wright, he did so because of either religious reasons (leftist thought does tend to be a religion) or a cynical search for street credibility. Barack Obama also associated with Tony Resko. While deplorable, Obama IS a creature of Chicago politics.

But there is no excuse for associating with people like this:

Gen'l Powell, stated in his endorsement, downplayed Obama's association. He said that he dislikes the emphasis on Ayers in McCains's campaign, because it was such a "limited relationship." So, because: Obama is reaching out and being more inclusive", according to Powell, Gen'l Powell is ready to overlook all of Obama's faults and troublesome progressive ideas. He's ready to forgive and forget all of Obama's shady associations.

While, then-Major Powell was risking his life and defending his country's interests, terrorists were trying to kill his fellow soldiers back home at Fort Dix. And now, General (retired) Powell is endorsing a man that supports scum like this.

For shame.

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