Friday, July 25, 2008

Yep, Thats Right I'm Going

You will notice a new graphic to the left. Thats right, I'll be there.
The construction gods have smiled upon me and graced me with the opportunity to not only attend the Expo, but also make it three in a row for the Milblog Conference.

Of course, with all good things comes the pay back. The construction gods are harsh and demanding. If I could find a virgin, it would be easy. Unfortunately, none have stepped forward, so I am forced to be in Cibola for the entire week prior to the conference, attending a grueling seminar culminating with a 9 hour exam on Saturday the 2oth, which, if I pass, will insure my future in the field of building construction technology and making life miserable for contractors. It will insure my continued success in obtaining raises as my firm increases my bill time rate.
Is this a great country or what?

I'll be live-blogging beginning some time on Saturday the 20th of September, depending on how long it takes me to ace the exam. Of course there is the requisite pre-milblog conference cocktail party on Friday night where some of the finest milbloggers in the known universe get together and tell each other the most extraordinary tales while consuming large amounts of golden liquids.
That part will remain a secret.
It is Cibola after all.
What happens in Cibola, stays in Cibola.

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