Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Battle for Oil Off Florida Caost

Economic Treason

From NY Sun via GOPUSA:
When it comes to offshore drilling, American oil companies face hurdles set by Congress and the White House. American companies are prohibited from engaging with Cuba, which is eager to sell oil and gas concessions, by law. And the eastern portion of America's section of the Gulf — the part that is closest to Cuba and presumably would prove to have the same riches as Cuba's side — is off-limits to exploration by law.
The Monroe Doctrine notwithstanding, Congress and the Bush administration have done little to keep European and Asian energy companies out of the Western Hemisphere.
"The United States has preached the market, and if Latin America is able to get better deals out of Europe, then Washington, in all good conscience, can't claim some kind of exclusive friendship, or hemispheric bond that gives it a privileged position," the director of a Washington-based think tank, the Council on Hemispheric Affairs, Larry Birns, said.
As it currently stands, in leasing rights to the Gulf of Mexico, the federal Department of the Interior sells to foreign oil companies, including state-owned ones, on equal footing with American companies. That free trade policy appears unlikely to change.
Rather, the legislative efforts have been aimed at auctioning off mineral rights to more of America's waters, although it won't only be American companies bidding.

This is tantamount to economic treason. Free-trade be damned. If we insist on playing fair with OUR petroleum reserves, we'll never get the price of gas down. Screw the rest of the world.

DRILL HERE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
DRILL NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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