Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Ain't Skeered

A message for Rahm Emanuel the honorable Representative from Illinois.
I heard you accuse the Bush Administration of "scaring the American people into doing something they shouldn't do" referring to the Administration's request to lift the moratorium on offshore drilling on the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS).
I've heard this before. According to some of your colleagues, we were scared into supporting the War on Terror because the Administration told us we were in danger of being attacked by Muslim extremists. The fact that I already knew that because I've been paying attention apparently never occurred to you.
I pay 4.00 a gallon for gasoline. I have to, it's part of my job. I have to work. I have to drive a full-size pick-up truck to perform my job effectively and professionally. It costs me twice as much now as it did in 2006 to do my job. In two years, under your party's leadership, the retail price for the fuel we buy has doubled. DOUBLED!!!
What is it exactly that we're supposedly afraid of? We have the oppportunity to become an independent oil producing nation. The fact that we have nimrods like you standing in the way of economic prosperity doesn't scare me, it makes me furious, but it should damn sure scare you. You should be so afraid for your future as a Congressman that you put the interests of the entire country above your partisan mindset.
Do you have a vested interest in keeping oil prices high? Are you on the Saudi payroll? Do you own tankers?
If you answered "no" to the above, then I can only assume you're stupid; and you can't fix stupid. Or you're mean; and mean can be fixed.

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