Friday, May 16, 2008

Methinks They Doth Protest Too Much

Witin minutes of President Bush's remarks concerning negotiations with terrorists, the gang of usual suspects were on the podiums, the radio shows, and the TV with rants and raves about the President's comments. Well, as my grandmother always said, "It's the scalded dog that yelps first."
The President can say whatever he likes, whenever and wherever he chooses. Thats his job. A country that has battled islamist nutjobs for 60 years and refuses to negotiate with extremists is probably the best place to remind us that the enemy we face views negotiation as a sign of weakness and has stated repeatedly they will lie to further their twisted view of religion and their ultimate goal of world domination. Why negotiate with anyone you know is lying?

The Chinook sabotage in Pennsylvania is a serious matter. Given the propensity of the nutjobs in the anti-war movement in Philadelphia to resort to violence against Americans standing up for our military, as an investigator, the first place I'd be looking is the membership rolls of the Veterans for Peace and the VVAW to see if any of these so called peace protestors work in that plant or have contacts that do. Of course, we can't rule out the isolated islamist nutjob whacko either.

Debbie Lee, mother of Marc Alan Lee, has written a scorching essay on the failure of the dhimmicrat congress to pass the funding bill for Iraq and Afghanistan. The piece is posted here, and wherever else it needs to be posted to get the message out.

Military helicopters vandalized in Pennsylvania, recruiting offices attacked in over 42 cities, funding denied for our troops, Code Pink sending 600,00.00 to the enemy. How many more treasonous acts need to occur before we stand up and say enough is enough? Spineless, gutless, Politicians who are using our troops as pawns in their political power struggle playground repulses and disgusts me. They are willing to jeopardize and put our troops in the crosshairs of the terrorists by there lack in funding our troops. They are more concerned with getting their own way and proving who is in charge of Congress instead of allowing every Senator and representative to be part of the process on the Hill. They by passed the appropriations Committee and didn't allow the Republicans to be part of a serious matter like funding our troops. I'm sure you could hear them loudly singing a very prideful rendition of "I did it my way." I'm sure the troops, including my son who gave up their lives, would love to have done it their way. They knew the attacks on our nation on 9-11 required that the right way was to fight for our freedoms and defend America. In the most unselfish act any American could give they sacrificed their own lives for the freedoms of a nation, for you, for me. They gave their tomorrows, their futures, so that we could have our today. Everyone of our brave men and women serving know that the same price could be required of them too.
What did the leadership on Capitol Hill do with their today? What gratitude did our liberal politicians show them? They yank their funding and play political suicide with the funding bill by attaching the ag amnesty bill to it. What kind of games are they playing with our the lives of our brave men and women serving? Yet they'll be the first to say they "Support our Troops." It's time for us to reclaim America and clean house from the self-centered egotistical politicians who have lost there love for America. Our Founding Father's would rise up from their graves if they could to smack some sense into these politicians to get them to remember the basic principles this nation was founded on. Certain members of Congress are acting like jealous children fighting to get the most attention. I have had it with the traitors in America who continue to do acts that are Anti-American and are destroying our Nation. It's time we hold them accountable and prosecute them for their treasonous acts. We have become a nation that is so tolerant of everything, that we stand for nothing. We have become a spineless nation with no moral compass to direct us to make wise and selfless decisions. We are so myopic and "me" focused that we can't see we are handing this nation to our enemies on a platter. It is time for us as Americans to flood the switchboards of Capitol Hill with our demands to fund our troops. Congress must prepare a clean bill with the involvement of both parties and through the proper channels. We also need to demand that strong measures be taken to arrest and prosecute to the fullest extent of the law those who are committing acts of treason during a time of war by inciting lawless actions. Your today has been paid for by those who gave up their tomorrows. What will you do with your today to honor those who gave it all?

Debbie Lee

Remembering His Sacrific

Marc Alan Lee

First Navy SEAL killed in Iraq

Well, that pretty much covers it, don't you think?

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