Tuesday, May 13, 2008

The coming war with Iran

Our brother, Concretebob was nice enough to link to an interesting post at the new blog, The Talon: Should Iran Last Another Year?

Well, that got me to think'n...always a dangerous thing. So I went looking, and found some int'rest'n stuff....

A fellow squid, The Yankee Sailor, has a four part series concerning Iran: Building a Case for war in Iran

Over at Counterpunch, Andrew Cockburn shows that at least some Democrats support the war on terror, even though they don't sound like it:
...President Bush signed a secret finding authorizing a covert offensive against the Iranian regime that, according to those familiar with its contents, "unprecedented in its scope."
All this costs money, which in turn must be authorized by Congress, or at least a by few witting members of the intelligence committees. That has not proved a problem. (My problem with this, that I feel I should emphasize, is: If this is a SECRET finding, how does this guy know? There is no source. And his writing history shows a distinct anti-Bush admin lean. But, if true, GREAT!)

Information Dissemination
has an OUTSTANDING timeline putting this all together: with a link to theory behind it at Stratfor.

And to top it all off, Iraq is finally confronting Iran about its interference in Iraqi affairs. By Omar Fadhil, PJM Baghdad editor. His own blog is Iraq The Model.

"The message is quite clear and simple. Baghdad sent a delegation last week to ask Iran to stop the flow of weapons and support to Shia militias. When the delegation returned empty-handed, the government immediately announced through spokesman Ali Dabbagh that it will work to collect and display evidence of this support. A day later the conversation escalated with the above statements. The question is: is Iran going to respond reasonably or is it going to keep denying its involvement in the crime? And if it does, I wonder what the next escalation in the conversation is going to look like."

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