A Noble Endeavor
Over the past three years I have been fortunate to meet some very incredible, very talented, extremely dedicated people. Milbloggers all.
I count among my friends, CJ from A Soldiers Perspective, Major Pain from One Marines View, Taco from the Sandgram, Matt and Uncle Jimbo from Blackfive, and one in particular I met at the very first milblog conference, Chuck Zigenfuss from TCOverride.
Chuck has a project he needs a little help with.
Uncle Jimbo put the post up at Blackfive, and since he correctly diagnosed me as terminally crazy immediately upon our introduction, I feel like I owe him. (His actual words to Tankerbabe were, "These people are nuts".)
I'm giving this some serious consideration. A weekend bike ride in the MD/PA countryside. BICYCLES!!!
"I want to ride my bicycle I want to ride my bike, I want to ride my bicycle I want to ride it when I like" Oops, sorry, I didn't mean to put that silly Queen song in your head this morning. heheheh.
and while you're at Blackfive, take a look at Grim's post about "Letters from Home"
I count among my friends, CJ from A Soldiers Perspective, Major Pain from One Marines View, Taco from the Sandgram, Matt and Uncle Jimbo from Blackfive, and one in particular I met at the very first milblog conference, Chuck Zigenfuss from TCOverride.
Chuck has a project he needs a little help with.
Uncle Jimbo put the post up at Blackfive, and since he correctly diagnosed me as terminally crazy immediately upon our introduction, I feel like I owe him. (His actual words to Tankerbabe were, "These people are nuts".)
I'm giving this some serious consideration. A weekend bike ride in the MD/PA countryside. BICYCLES!!!
"I want to ride my bicycle I want to ride my bike, I want to ride my bicycle I want to ride it when I like" Oops, sorry, I didn't mean to put that silly Queen song in your head this morning. heheheh.
and while you're at Blackfive, take a look at Grim's post about "Letters from Home"
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