Friday, April 04, 2008

Million-dollar Clintons

Banner Headline on Drudge:
Clintons Show $109M in Income Since Leaving the White House

From the article:
"Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton and former President Clinton report nearly $109.2 million in income for seven years in newly released tax data.

The Democratic presidential candidate and her husband paid $33.8 million in taxes from 2000 through 2007. They listed $10.25 million in charitable contributions during that period."

I think that amount of money classifies her as one of "the rich" that they keep complaining about. She and her husband complain about people who make millions in a year, and they make that same amount over 100-times over? When are Bill and Hillary going to give away all that excess that they have to "the poor" and live like the rest of us? This proves one thing: over the years -- even through the Clinton presidential co-partnership -- the "rich" got richer and still are! They, themselves are now the best living evidence.

Taking the money out of politics my a$$!

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