Ramblings for a Monday
Military.com has the rest.
Ben Shapiro over at Family Security Matters has some thoughts on the current choices for President.
Many conservatives have decided to sit out the 2008 election. The choice between Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) and Sen. Barack Obama (D-IL) is no choice at all, they say. McCain’s a liberal Republican beloved by the mainstream media; he clashes with the base on a whole host of issues. This election is a lose-lose proposition – the only winning answer, as the computer puts it in the movie War Games, is not to play.
Except there’s one problem: we’re still at war. John McCain may resemble Obama on the environment, campaign finance-reform, and immigration. He may be surprisingly milquetoast on gay marriage and his rhetoric may be moderate on abortion. He may be averse to torturing terrorists. But in general, he’s a hawk’s hawk on foreign policy. His opponents, by contrast, are pacifists of the most egregious sort.Note to conservatives: sitting on the sidelines this November may mean more dead Americans. Our enemies do not ignore America’s domestic politics – they realize that if Barack Obama is elected president, they can attack us with virtual impunity. Barack Obama’s “change” talk is largely rhetoric, but there’s one way it isn’t just talk – Obama will change America back into the paper tiger of the Bill Clinton years.
Read the rest here
The VAGOP Caucus blog has some video from last week all gun-owners should watch.
Apparently some dhimmicrats think the new bill to allow CC in resturants will result in shootouts at high noon on Broad Street.
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