Friday, February 29, 2008

Obama the Cult - THEY BELIEVE

Does anyone else get chills, and not the good kind, from the chant, "OBAMA!"?
Does the sight of people saying "I believe in Obama" in such a way trouble you too?
The last time I saw something like this was on a televanglist's show.

This is the evidence of why they want to elect a crooked Chicago politician to the highest office?
This is a religious event. There is nothing here except faith. I hear nothing from these people about WHAT change Obama is bringing? HOW is he going to save them?

Obama is a rich, privileged, crooked politician from the Daley political machine that could care less about these people. But HE is going to SAAAVE THEM!

Where's the tent?
Every revival needs a tent.

Unless John McCain understands that this is a religion, he will not win. You can't discredit Obama. You can't change his supporters minds. You can only expose him for the empty suit that he is to OTHER people. McCain had better start attracting Clinton supporters and "moderates" if he wants to win, because he's doing a terrible job of attracting conservatives.

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