Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Gun show loophole BS, again! Come clean and say what you mean!

Update: Bill defeated. Rights upheld. Now if they would only allow Virginia Tech students to defend themselves. Too bad THEIR rights have be taken away.

"Close the Gun Show loophole!" "Stop unregistered dealers now!" "This will stop all crime and violence!"

Ok, Ok, I added in the last part. But that's what everyone on the gun-control side seems to be saying. I understand the police organizations wanting more control. That's what police do. That's why citizens need to always stand up for their rights.

But, a bill is supposed to be voted on today to close the supposed "loophole."

Let's take a look at the ramifications.

So, are you saying that private sales of firearms must go through a dealer? That is the only way to get the background check. If I wish to give a firearm to a friend or family member as a gift,will I have to find a dealer willing to take on added liability for conducting a background check? Will it be illegal for private sellers at a gun show to go elsewhere to make the sale? Will the legislature provide liability protection to the dealers making 3rd party background checks?

That is what this law entails. There is NO gun show loophole. There are dealers and there are private citizens. If you are registered to sell guns commercially at the gun show, then you are a dealer. There ARE private citizens wishing to sell THEIR guns at the show. You can see them walking around with signs on their weapons, usually rifles or shotguns.

Cho followed every law and went through a background check. Unless the state wants to institutionalize people like Cho against their will, which, apparently they are not, this will continue to happen.

If the school had allowed adults to exercise the right of self defense, perhaps less people would have died. VT and every Virginian college continues to be responsible for their students safety for as long as the colleges insist on restricting the rights of the students.

And here's one of the Senator's that are supposed to represent ALL of his constituents. Perhaps this constituents that respect the Bill of Rights and wish to have adult representation in government should contact the Senator about his manners.

And the Senator needs to come clean on HIS stance, instead of pretending to be an impartial representative just trying to "fix things." He needs to admit to his agenda.

I received this email from the Virginia Citizens Defense League today.

On Monday, Executive member John Pierce was in an elevator in the
General Assembly building, participating in the VCDL Lobby Day. John
was in the back of the elevator and at some point Democratic Senator
Dick Saslaw of Fairfax County, who is the Senate Majority Leader,
entered the elevator with a companion.

The Senator, not realizing that John with his large "Guns Save Lives"
badge was in the back of the elevator, continued a loud conversation
he was having with his companion.

In a clearly audible voice, Senator Saslaw said to his companion: "I
see we're debating a gun bill today. Half of the cast of Deliverance
is in town."

You can contact your Senator and your Delegate here:

Here is a pre-written email to your Senator:

Here is a pre-written email to your Delegate:

Senator, you just stay classy.

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