Saturday, January 19, 2008

Bait and Switch by the Liberals again

Raising Kaine is committing the old Bait and Switch con again. While my condolences go to the Samaha family, the liberals are using the VA Tech tragedy to further their agenda of taking away your rights.

The Roanoke Times reports on the defeat of a bill that would close the non-existent "gun show loophole" by using the Samaha family tragedy. Preventing ALL private sales is the goal of Raising Kaine and the Roanoke Times. Mr. Samaha' is attacking the wrong issue. His daughter's murderer followed EVERY rule and law. Cho was subjected to background checks.

Both the Roanoke Times and Raising Kaine know that attacking the right of private citizens to sell their property would not have prevented Cho from getting guns.

Cho would have been stopped if the powers at the time would not have followed the liberal politically correct idea that its wrong to institutionalize someone against their will. If the judges at the time had followed the evidence and had the courage to follow up with findings that showed Cho to be a danger to himself AND OTHERS, Mr. Samaha's daughter would be alive today.

Armed citizens are a protectection. The 2nd Amendment describes YOUR right. Don't let others take it away from you.

When seconds count, the police are minutes away.

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