Monday, November 19, 2007

US in OPEC? Why not? Just askin....

Brazil is set to open up newly discovered oil fields in the Atlantic:

State-run Petroleo Brasileiro SA, or Petrobras, said reserves at Tupi field could be up to 8 billion barrels of oil equivalent, and initial production should exceed 100,000 barrels daily, though experts believe that will grow.

Brazil would consider joining OPEC based on the size of the newly discovered Tupi oil field off its eastern shores, the country's ambassador to Saudi Arabia said Friday.

Isnard Penha Brasil said he was attending the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries summit to talk with OPEC officials and that "a membership decision will come after we know what our export capacity will be and we think this will be good."

ANWR is reputed to be sitting on up to 12 Billion barrels of oil. If not more. And we have TRILLIONS of barrels in oil locked up in oil sands. So, just askin.... why don't we apply for membership in OPEC when we open up ANWR and open up our offshore fields like the ones being developed by Mexico with Chinese help.......but, that's another article.

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