Monday, November 26, 2007

News From Across the Blogs

Here’s some news from across the blogsphere:

From Michelle Malkin: Trent Lott is calling it quits.

Seems that Trent Lott is leaving his position in the Senate. There seems to be no indication that his leaving is under any form of duress. Time will tell. The Senator says that he his moving over for “someone younger, fresh blood” can take the seat. There are rumors that he has been offered a position in academia, and other rumors that he will be part of a lobbying firm that will be working Capital Hill.

I think his leaving is a good idea. He has done about all he can from his position in the senate to make life harder on the Republicans. Maybe he is seeking to have a greater impact from the outside.

From Rightvoices: Paris is on fire, AGAIN!

Night number two of riots by Muslims is underway in Paris after two Muslim “youths” aged fifteen and sixteen were killed when the mini-scooter they were riding collided with a police car and were killed. Pam at Rightvoices quotes the news source:
"Two boys aged 15 and 16 riding on a mini-motorcycle (prohibited on the road) hit a police car this afternoon in Villiers-le-Bel. The boys, who weren’t wearing helmets, were killed. Hundreds of enraged men and boys are tearing up the neighborhood."

Pajamas Media has been reporting events of the rioting as they occur:

UPDATED PJM Paris: Fires raged and mobs rioted in the Paris banlieues (suburbs)
Monday night after two boys, aged 15 and 16, died when their mini-motorcycle hit
a police car, Nidra Poller reports. At least sixty policemen have been injured,
and a school gym has gone up in flames.
Violence is spreading from
Villiers le Bel to a dozen neighboring communities. At least twenty policemen
have been injured so far tonight (forty injured last night according to the
latest figures), some of them critically. The insurgents are using firebombs,
iron rods,
, and firing buckshot. Journalists are attacked, their cameras are
Cars, dumpsters, and buildings have been torched. A school
gym has gone up in flames. Shop windows that weren’t smashed last night are
targets tonight.
Police investigators and several eyewitnesses corroborate
the patrolmen’s version of the accident. The police car was going at a normal
speed, no sirens, no
. The mini-motorcycle came down a side street at high speed and made a left turn, crashing directly
into the police car. The police remained on the scene for approximately twenty
to thirty minutes until the fire department ambulance arrived

Read the complete dispatch for the whole story.

Entire enclaves in Paris go up in flames. The press cites un-named “youths” as rioters. People are beaten or intimidated. The police are unable to squelch the violence. If this scenario sounds strangely familiar, it’s because this is not the first time France has had some of it cities and boroughs burned to the ground. There were riots in 2006 and 2005 also. At what point will 1.) the mainstream media cover honestly and fully what is going on in places like France, and 2.) will French society – and western society in general – admit that the large numbers of hot tempered “youths” in France has made the French prisoners in their own country?


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