Health care train wreck
The closest thing we Americans have is medicare. We jump through hoops when we need to use it and the bureaucracy is terrible. Rationing is the norm. Doctors are underpaid and hospitals take a loss. Some medical practices do not take medicare at all. Lets be thankful that the doctors have a choice. In some cases, since they do not have to fight through the government maze, their costs and prices are MUCH cheaper, even than the medicare copays.
Well, here we go again. Hold on to your health and your wallets. They're with the government and they are here to help you.
The Doctor explains the consquences of "good" intentions and the attempts by the government to improve hospital care by taking away MORE profit.
Also unspoken in this proposal are the additional costs to the hospitals of added administrative expenses required to document and report compliance with Medicare’s quality standards in order to receive better (or actually, the same) reimbursement. The net effect would be far more money siphoned from actual patient care into administration and paperwork.
Medicare officials said they would monitor the program closely and adjust it as necessary, and at the same time to expand the quality criteria used to determine whether hospitals earn back the lost revenue. “We want to make sure we’re not causing some unintended or perverse consequences.”
That scraping sound you hear is the moving of goalposts.
The history of Medicare is a history of regulatory tyranny which invariably results in “unintended and perverse consequences.” When your local hospital closes, after this proposal is implemented, be sure to write your Congressmen and local Medicare officials to express your deepest appreciation for their efforts to improve health care quality.
Labels: liberal heathcare, medicare, socialism, universal healthcare
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