Thursday, October 04, 2007

Congress Approval Rating At A New Low

Remember: Congress' low numbers are less than Bush's low numbers.

A new AP -- Ipsos poll scathes President Bush: "Only 31 percent said they approve of the job Bush is doing, according to the survey released on Thursday. Though his positive ratings have hovered at about that range since last year, his lowest previous approval in the AP-Ipsos survey was 32 percent, which was recorded several times, most recently in June. That is virtually even with the latest reading." So Bush's approval rating dropped one percent after about a year at near the same level. Waaaayyyyy down in the article you see this:

"Congress' job performance was approved by just 22 percent, continuing a gradual decline in the public's assessment since Democrats took over in January. It' s lowest reading in the poll was 24 percent, recorded most recently in July. " Here is what you should get out of this:

1. After a year, people are growing less enchanted with the Democrat controlled congress, than with President Bush -- even in the face of a supposed "unpopular war," and " major credit crunch and a weak housing market."

2. Congress' rating is 9 points LOWER than the president --and is approaching the lowest rating of ANY congress EVER! -- AND THEY HAVN'T BEEN IN OFFICE A YEAR YET!

So keep in mind as you hear some Democrat pundit decrying Bush's low ratings that more people support him than currently support the Democrats who say they were put in office to send a message to Bush.




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