Monday, September 17, 2007

The real meaning of the ANSWER march

From Roger L. Simon, comes a article that raises a good point.

Rinky Dink Antiwar Demonstrations

The propagandists at Xinhua say there were "tens of thousands" at the DC antiwar demonstration yesterday. The VOA says more like five thousand. However many people you agree showed up - the AP says "several" thousand - the number is pretty pathetic. In a country of three hundred million, if you can't muster up even fifty thousand people against a war, the event is basically meaningless, barely even news. You could probably drum up more than that for fly-fisherman's rights.
What's interesting is why this low turnout when, according to many polls, the public is supposedly massively against the war. If they are so antiwar, they certainly are pretty apathetic about it.

Another point is the question, "Does counter-protesting give the antiwar crowd publicity on what would otherwise be a non-event?"

Read the whole thing.




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