Sunday, September 16, 2007

GOE III quick note. More later

I just got back from an incredible trip! The Eagles were definitely UP! Flags! Music! All inspired by love. The love of our wonderful country and the troops that give so much. I met many wonderful people. ( Unfortunately, I am terrible with remembering names.....I hereby apologize if I can't remember. Its a curse.)

Apparently, ConcreteBob knows everyone and was doing everything. I saw him running everywhere. There are rumors about that he even got a kiss from Michelle Malkin Friday night. He introduced me to Ms. Malkin (who was liveblogging) and toThe Donovan of Castle Argghhh!. And two great pleasures was meeting Cat of Cathouse Chat and NZ Bear of The Truth Laid Bear. Apparently the Donovan and NZ have friends in high places. NZ was looking out of place in his "church" clothes, so I gifted him a Baghdad Fire/Rescue t-shirt for all of his good work supporting the troops.
The rally was inspiring and heartening. The musical tribute to the parents and spouses of the fallen brought tears to my eyes.
FMcdonald and USMCPOP was in attendence and Alpheus showed up later. I think he was on a secret mission.....
Our numbers were lower than that of the ANSWER, but, it was obviously a case of quality over quantity. There will be pics and video, including Diana Nagy singing the National Anthem and the speech by Duncan Hunter, forthcoming, if I can figure out this 21st century stuff.

I did not take any pictures of the moonbats during the march. Primarily, because.....they were boring. We've all seen this before. Other than the typical "F" word signs and the Che shirts that capitalist pigs sell to them (oh the irony.) the marchers were just sad. They could have phoned that march in. Not one puppet or drum circle. The only music was by a trumpet player returning to the Depression days, playing "Happy days are here again."
Of course I missed the fun at the Capitol. Here's another description by a commenter, IrishEI, on Michelle Malkin's site:

Just got back from the Gathering of Eagles. What an incredible day, being surrounded by a tremendous group of incredible people! It was absolutely inspiring. I urge everyone who can to attend the next gathering–you won’t regret it.

Now for the moonbats. What can I say? It was a total freak show. Lots of “F” words on their signs, Che Guevarra shirts, Arafat scarves as well as anarchists and marxists. Pink hair, purple hair, multiple piercings, grandmas in string bikini tops, a handful of people in burkas, the typical Abu Ghraib prisoners in orange jumpsuits, giant papier mache masks, mercedes benz “peace symbols” (idiots), Malcom X fans and even a contingent from the SDS (Students for a Democratic Society). What a nightmarish crowd! Some moonbat looked at my sign which read “God Bless Our Troops” and threw an egg on it. Another moron hissed at me and told me I was the devil. But we just kept shouting “USA, USA” and laughing at them. (Did a fair amount of taunting ourselves–lots of good fun.)

The age disparity in the marchers was telling. The more vocal marchers were either old hippies or very young college age marchers. Their largest contingent appeared to be college age and they appeared to be there because they had nothing else to do and wanted to be part of the "fun." Our side DEFINITELY was the more passionate.
I can't report on the activity that happened at the capitol as I was standing watch with fellow GOE members at the Navy Memorial to prevent a repeat of the January vandalism.

The one thing I really learned yesterday is that I need to buy myself a REALLY BIG MEGAPHONE. I need one really, really bad. They're fun.

Check out:
Michelle Malkin (Make sure you read the comments!)
Victory Caucus
Cathouse Chat (I envy her ability to send pics directly to her blog by phone.)




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