Monday, September 17, 2007

Thompson and Federalism

Yet another reason to like Thompson as a candidate.

From Kim du Toit, who has the best quote while tipping us off about this article:
"Every time some authoritarian twerp like Giuliani or McCain compares himself to Ronald Reagan (and they have), I want to knee him in the nads."

From Chris Edwards at TCS:

“[T]he problem with the $2.8 trillion federal budget is not $30 billion in pork, it is $2 trillion of spending that violates the 10th Amendment to the Constitution as properly the responsibility of the states and the people.”

He continues:

"Thompson rightly argues that the abandonment of federalism has caused a range of pathologies including a lack of government accountability, the squelching of policy diversity between the states, and the overburdening of federal policymakers with local matters when they should be focusing on national security issues."

"Federalism "is a tool to promote freedom" as Thompson puts it. So for the supposed heirs to Ronald Reagan who are running for president, let's hear more about expanding our freedom by cutting the federal government down to constitutional size."

Go Fred!




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