Saturday, August 25, 2007

Yet another reason to get rid of Warner

Obama has named the GOP Senators that he could "work" with.

KEY BISCAYNE, Fla. (AP) - Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama often says he will be a candidate that will bring both parties together and Saturday he named a few of the Republicans he would reach out to if elected. (Which parties would that be? Everything he says is left of Hillary....)

"There are some very capable Republicans who I have a great deal of respect for," Obama said in an interview with The Associated Press. "The opportunities are there to create a more effective relationship between parties." (Didn't Bush already try this one?)

Among the Republicans he would seek help from are Sens. Richard Lugar of Indiana, John Warner of Virginia and Tom Coburn of Oklahoma, Obama said. ( I can only believe he put Coburn in there for cover. Maybe its because Coburn has ticked off the status quo Senators by fighting earmarks.)

Part of Washington's problem is that President Bush has created a partisan atmosphere, he said. (Bush? Lets see....300 INVESTIGATIONS in the first 100 days, but its the GOP thats partisan....)

"The Bush-Cheney administration has perfected the perpetual campaign, what I call the 50-plus-one election strategy, where you just presume half the country is red and half the country is blue," Obama said. (Ummm, who's campaigning in the Bush-Cheney campaign? I think it was the Dems that did that perpetual campaign thingy, ie, Clinton. And 50+1 works for me. Kinda what the Dems want too. Its really sad when a man as ambitious as Obama tries to come of as an ingenue about politics. Especially since he's from the Illinois Democrat machine.)

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