Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Things that make you go "Hmmmmm?"

From Uncle Jimbo at Blackfive,

John Warner's Christmas present

"Oh boy troops guess what? Sen. John Warner has a present for you. He wants us to bring some of you home by Christmas, YEA! Not all of you, and not for any real reason, just to, ya' know, send a message.Well it would be a message of foolish weakness Senator. "

"Time after time our enemies have known that the way to defeat America is at home. You cannot take her by force of arms, but you can sap the will to fight. The media provides a knowing and helpful ally in this as they ensure that death and destruction dominate our news. The Vietnamese leaders have said explicitly, as did their Chinese and Soviet handlers, that their strategy was to defeat us at home via the media. Worked out pretty well for them."

And from Redstate,

Iraq is just the first step in Iran’s battle for regional hegemony

Not to mention their very plainly-stated goal of perpetrating a second Holocaust By Jeff Emanuel

BAGHDAD, IRAQ – Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad today said that “a huge power vacuum” was imminent in Iraq – and promised that, when it appeared, Iran would be ready to fill it. This plainly-stated desire by the totalitarian regime in Tehran to overtly interfere in the affairs of a sovereign nation – while simultaneously accusing the US of doing so, despite the fact that coalition forces are still present in Iraq at official invitation of that nation’s sovereign government – should come as no surprise to any who have followed the course of the Iraq war (and postwar) to this point.

Ahmadinejad declared that Iran would work with “neighbors and regional friends like Saudi Arabia” to replace the US in Iraq should a withdrawal take place.

Does anyone else think that these two situations could be related? Heck, I bet that even Edwards could figure this one out. I wonder what could cause this sudden power vacuum that Ahmajinutjob is talking about, hmmmm?

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