Friday, August 10, 2007

They're Not Spending Your Money Wisely

Here is a dead-on quote from Debbie Schlussel:

I never understand why Republicans who claim to be conservatives believe that we should waste our tax money to entice people who should engage in good behavior anyway to engage in that behavior.
It's quite obvious that, like Pavlov's Dog, those people will rely on the payments, and when the payments stop, the unlawful, bad behavior will eventually resume.
The Bush Administration announced that it will offer "increased rewards" for Afghan farmers who cut poppy production.
That means we will have to pay these Afghans forever. The minute we stop, there will be a bumper crop of poppies on each of their farms.

One day we will learn – I hope. Hey, no matter how much it takes from your check –3 cents, 2 cents, one cent, or one-half cent, it’s still your money that YOU earned that could have been better spent by you. If that doesn’t bother you, find 1,000 people who feel the same way, and have them each send $1.00 to me every month. If you’re just going to give it away why not give it to me, RIGHT?.




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