Saturday, July 21, 2007

Something that WE already know, but read it anyway, it's great!

Here's something in case you missed it elsewhere. Watch close, the links are connected. Via Gateway Pundit:

Michael Totten is in Baghdad reporting what many of us suspected for a long, long time, via Glenn Reynolds:

"You’d think explosions and gunfire define Iraq if you look at this country from far away on the news. They do not. The media is a total distortion machine. Certain areas are still extremely violent, but the country as a whole is defined by heat, not war, at least in the summer. It is Iraq’s most singular characteristic. I dread going outside because it’s hot, not because I’m afraid I will get hurt..."
Read it all HERE.

BTW, Michael Totten is supported by the readers, if you can afford it, hit his tip jar.




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