Tuesday, April 24, 2007

A Wealth of info

The largest problem in the GWOT is getting our various messages out. The GOP, Democrats, Military, Executive Branch, even Al Queda, you name it, someone has a message. Greyhawk of Mudville Gazette explains about Message Control. Please read and pass on this very informative piece.
The heroes in Iraq and Afghanistan are getting their messages out, slowly, but surely. Heck some of the bloggers even offer barbecue to the troops searching the house....
Congress is so worried about the troops that they are adding the story of Pvt Lynch (remember her) into the Tillman case. Remember the Pentagon telling the press not to jump to conclusions? I bet that the press will not be held accountable for their messages.
Here's an in depth look at the strategy of the surge. At least the blogs are getting that message across.
Rep. (D) Moran has a message too:
But for antiwar activists, it's not enough. Many Democratic lawmakers say they are flooded with calls from constituents urging them to live up to their campaign promises on the war.
Rep. James Moran (D) of Virginia met over breakfast recently with 30 constituents at the Table Talk Restaurant in Alexandria, Va. They wanted to know why he had voted to support funds for another year of war, after campaigning to end it.
"It's a shame I had to disappoint the people who voted for me, because they are the ones who count in the end. But it was the most definitive statement against this war that the Congress has yet had.... It went as far as we could possibly go and still get 218 votes [for passage]," he says.
The post-veto vote on war funds will be even harder, he predicts. "It will come back and pass as a clean supplemental, but not with my vote."

Rep. (D) Moran's OTHER constituents don't feel so important: January 2006:

"Yes sir my name is Mark Seavey and I just want to thank you for coming up here. Until about a month ago I was Sgt Mark Seavey infantry squad leader, I returned from Afghanistan........I keep hearing you say how you talk to the troops and the troops are demoralized, and I really resent that characterization........"And Congressman Moran, 200 of your constituents just returned from Afghanistan. We never got a letter from you; we never got a visit from you. You didn't come to our homecoming. The only thing we got from any of our elected officials was one letter from the governor of this state thanking us for our service in Iraq, when we were in Afghanistan. That's reprehensible. I don't know who you two are talking to but the morale of the troops is very high."

In response, soldiers that have sworn to defend against any enemies foreign and domestic are getting their messages out, including Appeals for Courage.

And Senator Lieberman (I) (bwahaha) Ct. has his own message in response to the defeatism coming from is fellow Senators: ..... "With all due respect, I strongly disagree. Senator Reid's statement is not based on military facts on the ground in Iraq and does not advance our cause there........Al Qaeda's strategy for victory in Iraq is clear. They are trying to murder as many innocent civilians as possible in an effort to reignite sectarian fighting and drive us to retreat from Iraq........We should not surrender in the face of barbarism."

And lastly, Michelle Malkin has set up a way for the messages of the Veterans to reach Surrender Harry.
More here.

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