I Said It, I Meant it, Live With It

Hey left-ists, just so everyone knows where I am coming from, I'm re-posting part of an answer from a recent thread. It's important because those out there who come to this site don't know much about me, and it IS important that they know what I stand for.
"JTG: How about this: I as a black person will not rest until I have changed the mind of every black person that I can to leave the race-baiting, dhimmitude-serving, poverty-pimping, whinny, two-faced demagogues of the Democratic Party. I will not rest until they vote in line with their traditionally conservative foundation and not let majority white Democrat politicians pimp them in publicly funded “freebies for votes” slavery that is the tradition of the Democrats.
Liberals/Democrats promised an end to poverty and better education. What they gave us was abject poverty, government run slums called public housing, government funded fatherless homes, drugs, violence/crime, unaccountable tenured teachers, social promotion, and “outcome-based” illiteracy. They promised us equality and fairness, and a color-blind society and we got racial quotas of the least qualified, racial fear-mongering, political “group-think,” children conditioned to failure, self-imposed racial stigmas, and racial political tokenism – which is, at its essence – what your postings have been about since you arrived on this thread."
Want to know more about what I stand for? Read this. A synopsis:
-Anti-Affirmative Action
-Pro equal rights
-Pro Second Amendment
-Pro limited government
-Pro low taxation
-Pro military and national defense
-Pro-flag and strong American national identity
-Recognize the Bible as the foundation of American law, government, and society
-Recognize marriage as only between one man and one woman.
-Strong border security and enforcement of immigration laws
-Pro capitalism
-Anti-trade deficit, Pro-domestic manufacturing
-Fair, strong law enforcement and judicial system
That is not idle chat -- it's who I am. Like or love it, makes no difference to me.
If you are a leftie and you consider taking me on, fine. But you better "come correct" or don't do it at all, and the "la la la -- I don't hear your answer, la la la" doesn't cut it.
Don't waste our time acting like you don't hear us, or the "blog mistress" will get you.
Labels: conservative priciples
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