Cargosquid's Crib

Welcome to Kuwait Naval Base. Actually you can get Google map pics of this place too.
I thought that I would show you where I live. If you look at the middle picture, at the guard tower in the corner of the walled compound, I live in the blue building 2nd from the bottom, near the wall. BTW, that wall is also known as the "death wall". Saddam's soldiers used the inside of this wall as a firing squad area and shot all of the Kuwaiti Navy officers in the corner of the compound. The beach is open, but no swimming. (no OSHA/EPA) Or sunbathing. We do have a pool for that, though. Its also visible in the left pic, all the way to the left. The white buildings towards the water from the barracks are the dining facility, MWR, showers, and heads.
Water is to the East of the camp. I work at the port of Ash Shuabia (SPOD) about 30 miles north of KNB.
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