BDS at CNN Not on the D.L. for TGIF

The left-wing weekend crew at CNN’s web site is really outdoing itself on the last weekend of 2006. The 5th headline down says “Tornado Scare Sends Bush Running for cover.”
But if you look at the article, the headline is “President takes cover during tornado scare.” I’m no “journalist” but there is a world of difference between those two headlines – “taking cover” is not the same thing as “running for cover.”
For the record, this is what happened:
CRAWFORD, Texas (AP) -- President Bush and first lady Laura Bush were moved to an armored vehicle on their ranch Friday when a tornado warning was issued in Central Texas, the White House said.The vehicle was driven to a tornado shelter on the ranch, and the president, first lady and their two Scottish terriers sat inside until the weather cleared, deputy White House press secretary Scott Stanzel said. They were never moved into the shelter, he said.
The president was "in the vehicle for about 10 minutes and then he went back to the house," Stanzel said, adding that other members of the staff at the ranch were sheltered as well.
The National Weather Service issued a tornado watch at 12:40 p.m. (1:40 p.m. ET). At 3:47 p.m. (4:47 p.m. ET), the watch was upgraded to a tornado warning, which lasted for less than an hour.
This trick of BDS-MSM (Bush Derangement Syndrome-Main-stream Media) is no different than the personal attacks the media made on Bush during the 9-11 attacks. Bush was criticized as running scared when the attacks happened because the media didn’t know his location. What was he supposed to do, immediately run back to DC where the attacks were happening? What is he supposed to do, stand out in the open and watch the cows fly by? MSM dopes!
Labels: illustrating stupidity, liberal msm, moonbats
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