Sunday, November 19, 2006

Black Racism And Preventing Another Katrina "Disaster?": Kill All The White People

Unbelievable! You know, I knew that the left was painting the government's response to Hurrican Katrina in New Orleans as a racist plot by G. W. Bush to kill black people. I have even heard the wild rumors put out that Bush sent people down to New Orleans to bomb the levys to ensure the death of blacks. But the already absurd "debate"just sunk to a new high in lows. How do you speed up a large, slow, fractured government FEMA response to the greatest natural disaster in modern U.S. times? Black militant and "autor and owner [of] Blacknificent Books" Kamau Kambon has the answer: You kill all white people from the face of the earth.

The video is on YouTube.


This is absurd. Needless to say, there were white and black people who were out of house and home after the Katrina Disaster. Dare I also say that relief that did come, came in some large measure by white people. White people as well as black, asian, hispanic, and any other ethnic group that you can mention came out and did carwashes, bake sales, and any other service that you can think of to send relief to the people who needed it be they black or white. This is black racism at it's worst, and if there is any decency left in organizations like Jessie Jackson's Rainbow/PUSH Coalition, or the NAACP they should come out in the strongest possible terms to denounce this hatemongering by Kambon.
Black conservative organizations like Project 21 should be the on the front line to call this what it is: hate-speech.

I speak now on behalf of myself, and I condemn the words of “Author” Kamau Kambon of Blacknificant Books. I reject his “solution,” as it were, in every way shape and form possible.

****Update Again****

The responses from some YouTube users are already rolling: TipToeChick has some choice words for Kambon. WARNING: Her response is NOT kid-friendly!
You go girl!


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