Allen and the War on Terror

Since so many posters have made reference to the War on Terror (WOT), why not read what Senator Allen himself has said about the WOT in his own words:
Winning the War on Terror
The defense of this nation and its citizens is the primary responsibility of the federal government. I believe America must persevere in our important mission in the War on Terror to spread peace through liberty. In my view, the resolve of the American people and our many allies to preserve our free and just societies in this fight against terrorism is infinitely stronger than the resolve of murderous, hate-filled terrorists. The War on Terror is a fight against vile extremists who want to destroy our way of life. It will be a difficult struggle, but I believe we are winning and we will ultimately prevail.
Already, we’ve seen democratic elections in a newly free Afghanistan; and recently there have been hopeful signs of progress in Egypt, Lebanon and Libya. I believe these are all examples of success in the War on Terror.
In Iraq, I believe our troops have done a tremendous job helping Iraqis begin to build a free society in a country formerly ruled by an oppressive, terrorist-friendly dictatorship. The notion of immediately withdrawing our military from Iraq would be forfeiting to the terrorists and I disagree strongly with those who suggest that we should leave precipitously. Right now historic progress is taking place as the vast majority of the Iraqi people have taken part in free elections. I believe we must stand with our troops as they continue their difficult but vital mission to help the tree of liberty take root in Iraq. And I feel certain that when our Iraqi friends are able to stand up, our brave men and women in uniform will be able to stand down and come back home as genuine heroes with satisfaction.
[Emphasis added]
Taken from Senator Allen's Senate web site.
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